substance abuse problem

Can a Patient Be Turned in for Alcohol And/or Drug Abuse?

Question by wOW ReALLY: Can a patient be turned in for alcohol and/or drug abuse?
Can a doc turn his patient in for alcohol or drug abuse to the police or social services?

Best answer:

Answer by Danim Morem
No. It is their job to diagnose you and to treat you in any way possible. It is a good thing to mention to your doctor if you had recently consumed or used any form of alcohol or drug to help with diagnosis, but they legally cannot turn you in as it is part of their doctor-patient confidentiality guidelines.

Do Children Have Rights in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate?

Do Children Have Rights in the Same-Sex Marriage Debate?

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

"If a child has two loving and capable parents who choose to create a permanent bond, it's in the best interest of their children that legal institutions allow them to do so," Dr. Ellen Perrin, a Tufts Medical Center pediatrician and co-author of the …
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US must step up response to vets, report says

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

What Homeless Shelters in Florida & Georgia Serve Free Showers & Full Course Meals 7 Days a Week?

Question by Paul: What Homeless shelters in Florida & Georgia serve free showers & full course meals 7 days a week?

Best answer:

Answer by …
The Salvation Army gives dinner and breakfast but you’re out on the streets during the day to go to the local soup kitchen. Depending on the S.A., you may be sent out with a snack to take with you.

United Way First Call For Help (or dial 2-1-1) acts as clearinghouse of resource information for those in need including shelters, soup kitchens, food banks, clothing banks, transportation resources, medical care and counseling free or sliding scale, community centers, etc

What Are the Steps to Becoming a Psychologist in Drug Rehabilitation?

Question by chelsie j: What are the steps to becoming a psychologist in drug rehabilitation?
im a junior in high school and was thinking about looking into psychology in college. and i realize that i would be more interested in working in a rehab center and i was wondering where i would start? like what to take in college besides psychology and so on

Best answer:

Answer by raysny
Most of the people who work at rehabs have had substance abuse issues of the own. You won’t see many psychologists working at rehabs, you will find psychiatrists because they can write prescriptions, psychologists can’t.

What Would Be a Good Topic for a 15 Minute Presentation for a Drug and Alcohol Addiction Class?

Question by Cristi: What would be a good topic for a 15 minute presentation for a drug and alcohol addiction class?
I am taking a college course on drug and alcohol addiction and need a good topic to discuss for fifteen minutes (yuck!) lol! Does anyone have a good suggestion?

Best answer:

Answer by Tugger
Well, I would think you would discuss drug and alcohol addition and how it affects people.

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What Are Some Careers in Drug Rehabilitation?

Question by : What are some careers in drug rehabilitation?
I’m interested in a career in a drug rehab center, what are some positions?
I know that most people in the field have had substance abuse problems, and while I personally haven’t my dad, his parents, and great-grandfather are all severe alcoholics.

Best answer:

Answer by raysny
Someone else asked the same question recently:

Over 90% of rehab centers in the US are 12step based, AA/NA. Most of the rest are Narconon, a Scientology based program, or heavily religious. Courts, government agencies, and employee assistance programs mandate 12step rehabs.