substance abuse treatment center

Calvert, St. Mary's and Charles County

Calvert, St. Mary's and Charles County

Filed under: prescription drug addiction treatment

28 county and state officials gathered to dedicate the Calvert County Substance Abuse Treatment Center. Calvert County Commissioners' President Gerald W. “Jerry” Clark [R] noted that prescription drug abuse in the county has had “an alarming rise.” …
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Celebrity Overdoses: Deaths Highlight Prescription Drug Epidemic

Filed under: prescription drug addiction treatment

The number of infants born addicted to prescription drugs every year has also tripled in the past 10 years, to approximately 13,500, according to a report in the Journal of American Medical Association. In 2009, treatment of these drug-addicted babies …
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What Are Some Treatments for Drug Abuse?

Question by : what are some treatments for drug abuse?
and will they get better? how long will it take?
Plz list them!

Thanks this is for a big psychology project

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New Life Addiction Treatment Center: Drug Rehab, Detox, Alcoholism Treatment in Florida – New Life Addiction Treatment Center: substance drug abuse detox from alcohol and chemical dependencies


Strong Cultural and Family Ties May Decrease Substance Use in Latino Youth

Filed under: drug abuse treatments

Report: Co-Owner of Drugabuse Treatment Center Faces Drug Charge

Report: Co-owner of drugabuse treatment center faces drug charge

Filed under: drug abuse treatment centers

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — The co-owner of a nonprofit substance abuse and mental health treatment center in Winston-Salem faces a felony drug charge related to the distribution of heroin, according to the Winston-Salem Journal. The paper, citing an arrest …
Read more on My Fox 8


TRICARE substance abuse treatment falls short, experts say

Filed under: drug abuse treatment centers

Can a Parent Have a Child (19) Involuntarily Commited to Drug Rehab in PA?

Question by : Can a parent have a child (19) involuntarily commited to drug rehab in PA?

Best answer:

Answer by Zach
Not unless a judge signs off on it and makes it a court order. When you are 19 you are legally an adult and parents have no control over you anymore.

What do you think? Answer below!



How Will I Get to Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in Lincolndale, New York?

Question by alicia b: How will I get to find substance abuse treatment centers in Lincolndale, New York?
I need to do this for my friend. Among the two of us, she has always been the more responsible one. She looked after me as if I was her little sister. Ever since her boyfriend broke up with her, though, things changed. I would often find her slumped on her bed whenever I visit her house. She hid it from us, but she has also been indulging in alcoholic beverages as well. I sat beside her all day yesterday. We reminisced and cried, and she finally agreed to get herself treated for her alcohol addiction. This is why I need to find substance abuse treatment centers. Any help will be surely appreciated.

How Will I Get to Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in Coleyville, Texas?

Question by bayleigh lw: How will I get to find substance abuse treatment centers in Coleyville, Texas?
I have a friend who’s been suffering from his alcohol addiction for quite some months now. He now wants to get treated and he’s asking for my help. I really want to help him. Any ideas on how to find a good substance abuse treatment center?

Best answer:

Answer by cheryl w
There are lots of ways by which you can find treatment centers that your friend can get into. You can get him to a doctor and ask for recommendations. You can also use the links below or use the local phone directory to look up contact information of treatment centers. I do hope that your friend gets treated soon. Good luck!