substance abuse treatment facility

What Are Symptoms of Teen Depression?

Question by Katana: What are symptoms of teen depression?
I’ve been very irritable lately. I get very upset over the littlest things and I don’t know why. I have no desire to do things I used to love. Nothing sounds fun anymore. I usually just end up isolating myself in my room all day, but I feel very lonely. I have trouble staying asleep, I either eat too much or barely at all. Could these be signs of depression? Also, both my mom and dad have pretty severe depression and take medication for it. I’ve had this on and off for a while and I’m not too sure what to do about it. If it is depression of some sort, what are treatment options and how do I tell my mom that I’m depressed. Answers are appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Why Do People Say Alcholism Is a Disease ?

Question by Dee: Why do people say alcholism is a disease ?
this kinda upsets me , because a disease is something that you have no control over that your body dose on it’s own , you have the choice to purchase alchol , you have the choice to go to treatments , so if alchol is a disease than i guess you can say any addiction is a disease …i think it’s a addiction not a disease , i was a smoker for 15 years and quite , so since can i say i had a disease ?? i didnt have a disease i was nicotine addict and chose to stop ..i honestly wish someone can make me see the light , i honestly dont understand
navyexwife , I didnt say i was able to overcome my addiction without help , believe me quiting smoking was VERY HARD , but i used the support groups to my avantage and overcame it ..A disease is defined as a organ or body part that dose not function correctly so alcohlism , addictions in general are not a disease..and if it is indeed a disease which nobody has shown me different yet , there is indeed a cure , it’s called detox and rehab , it’s there choice not to treat there so called “disease” ..I bet you a cancer patient or a hiv patient would jump on any chance for a cure , so i dont think it’s fair to call it a disease , and almost insulting to those who do indeed have real diseaes

What Is the Alcohol or Drug Addiction Process?

Question by Anthony: What is the alcohol or drug addiction process?
What are the specific steps someone should take if they know of a person who is a drug addict or alcoholic. explain some of the treatment programs available to does an alcoholic or drug addict affect family members?

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How Will I Know Info About the Drug Rehabs in San Angelo, Texas?

Question by brisa ll: How will I know info about the drug rehabs in San Angelo, Texas?
I have to get information on this for one of my classes. I’m not doing very good in that class and thus I need to do this as my special project. I want to know how I’m going to get more information about what goes on inside drug rehabs, etc. If anybody can give me added info, that would be good as well. Thanks.

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Drug Treatment Available in County

Drug treatment available in county

Filed under: drug treatment programs

Our programs are certified through the Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services and our clinical staff is comprised of degreed and certified counselors, two of which are independently licensed. We offer evidence-based treatment and we …
Read more on Coshocton Tribune


Drug treatment too hard to get in New Jersey

Filed under: drug treatment programs

The existing treatment programs fill up quickly with low-level offenders ordered by the courts to seek treatment. That leaves less than 20 percent of the resources for those not caught in the criminal justice system. With few options, many New Jersey …
Read more on Philadelphia Inquirer

How Will I Get to Find Substance Abuse Treatment Centers in Lincolndale, New York?

Question by alicia b: How will I get to find substance abuse treatment centers in Lincolndale, New York?
I need to do this for my friend. Among the two of us, she has always been the more responsible one. She looked after me as if I was her little sister. Ever since her boyfriend broke up with her, though, things changed. I would often find her slumped on her bed whenever I visit her house. She hid it from us, but she has also been indulging in alcoholic beverages as well. I sat beside her all day yesterday. We reminisced and cried, and she finally agreed to get herself treated for her alcohol addiction. This is why I need to find substance abuse treatment centers. Any help will be surely appreciated.