substance abuse

Tully: A Young Quarterback Lost to Heroin's Grip

Tully: A young quarterback lost to heroin's grip
[rewrite]The national award recognizes Tully's work in 2013 as he documented crime in Indianapolis from a police officer's point of view, described both the huge challenges and the inspiring success stories in Indy's schools, and exposed the heavy influence of …[/rewrite]
Read more on Indianapolis Star

Maurice Harden Sentenced to 25 Years for Attacking Officer
[rewrite]His last violation was walking away from work release at the Hinzman Center, where Thornhill placed him to receive substance abuse treatment and to gain employment. He left on a three hour pass and instead of returning, he went to Indiana. He was …[/rewrite]
Read more on KCRG

My Sister Uses Drugs, and My Mom Wants Her to Get Help at Rehab.?

Question by ughhh: my sister uses drugs, and my mom wants her to get help at rehab.?
[rewrite]i know my mom would do anything to help my sister change. but i know for a fact my sister cant go to rehab and change if she doesn’t want to change. you cant try to make someone turn around their life unless they wanna try too.

true or no?

Best answer:

Answer by Jamal
that is true i should know i had a brother that smokes.

Judge Gives Big Bail Discount to Don Tollefson

Judge gives big bail discount to Don Tollefson
[rewrite]Bucks County Assistant District Attorney Ryan Hyde said this was done so Tollefson could enter a 30-day drug treatment program. Hyde said the state … Tollefson promised half the money would go to charities like the Salvation Army or Special Olympics …[/rewrite]
Read more on WFMZ Allentown

Lab says King County deputy passed out from drugs
[rewrite]The three-month investigation was conducted by Bellevue police who had a blood sample tested at a lab in Pennsylvania. It found the presence of multiple prescription drugs … Â If any of these drugs made me drowsy behind the wheel, I'd ask for …[/rewrite]
Read more on KOMO News

Cleveland OH Alcohol Drug Rehab Announces New Intervention Program for

Cleveland OH Alcohol Drug Rehab Announces New Intervention Program for
[rewrite]They gather and create concrete options where the person understands there are just two choices. One is to listen, hear and accept how much pain they have cost their loved ones. Instead of continuing this destructive path, they decide that drug …[/rewrite]

Addiction goes for dramatic treatment in Cotuit's Black Box
[rewrite]CONFRONTING THEIR DEMONS – Yvonne (Genevieve Gallagher) and Daniel (Matthew Kohler) are among those struggling with addiction in If Nothing Changes at Cotuit Center for the Arts' Black Box Theater. Personal journeys front and center. In If Nothing …[/rewrite]
Read more on Barnstable Patriot

NIDA Grant Fuels Cloud-Based Predictive Software for Addiction Treatment

NIDA Grant Fuels Cloud-Based Predictive Software for Addiction Treatment
[rewrite]… report that provides guidance for motivational interviewing, a method known to be effective for improving engagement. The new components were developed with data from the New Hope Foundation, one of New Jersey's largest addiction treatment centers.[/rewrite]
Read more on Health Data Management

Rob Kardashian Enters Treatment For Depression and Substance Abuse
[rewrite]UPDATE: Don't bust out the balloons and hold a pity party for Rob Kardashian just yet — the star's rep denies reports that Rob is drying out in an Arizona rehab facility. A source close to the reality star tells E! Online that, rather than battling …[/rewrite]
Read more on Wetpaint

BioCorRx Backs Alcohol-Suppression Implant With Rehab Program

BioCorRx backs alcohol-suppression implant with rehab program
[rewrite]Santa Ana, CA, United States (4E) – Addiction is defined as a compulsive need for and use of a habit forming substance characterized by tolerance and by physiological symptoms upon withdrawal. Some people get hooked to substance or may get addicted …[/rewrite]
Read more on Gant Daily

This Maine woman used her alcohol addiction to help others. Now, we need a
[rewrite]Why not fund health care coverage that allows more people to receive help from drug or alcohol counselors or use the money to reduce waitlists at treatment centers? Look at what BARN can do on $ 60,000 per year, with no money from the state's general …[/rewrite]
Read more on Bangor Daily News