substance abuse

4 Failed Attempts to Crack Down on Prescription Drug Abuse (And Their

4 Failed Attempts to Crack Down on Prescription Drug Abuse (and Their
[rewrite]4 Failed Attempts to Crack Down on Prescription Drug Abuse (and Their Unintended Consequences) Prescription drug abuse is finally showing signs of stabilizing. Some believe this gradual decline is the result of government efforts to crack down on the …[/rewrite]
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Miss. governor signs welfare drug-testing bill
[rewrite]If the answers show the possibility of substance abuse, the person will have to take a drug test. It the test is positive, the person would have to receive treatment to receive cash assistance. If the person tests positive for drugs after receiving …[/rewrite]
Read more on WALA-TV FOX10

Drug Addiction?

Question by Chequetta w: drug addiction?
[rewrite]why do people become drug addicts, considering all the negative things it does to the person, like losing all your friends, family, personal things not to mention the damage it does to your health,I lost my older sister to a drug overdose , its really a sore spot with me….

Best answer:

Answer by Redbone
because sometimes drugs makes them forget about all their problems and it makes them feel good so they crave it and that is how they become addicts.

5 Receive Lifetime Achievement Awards

5 receive Lifetime Achievement Awards
[rewrite]Five local citizens were honored for devoting their lives to serving others during the Deen Day Smith Service to Mankind Awards banquet held Tuesday night at Georgia Southern University's Nessmith-Lane Conference Center. The recipients – Nan Rushing …[/rewrite]
Read more on Statesboro Herald

Movie Dope
[rewrite]The Georgia Museum of Art accompanies their “Art Interrupted: Advancing American Art and the Politics of Cultural Diplomacy” exhibit with Tim Robbins' follow-up to Dead Man Walking, Cradle Will Rock. In 1930s New York, Orson …. PEABODY & SHERMAN (PG …[/rewrite]
Read more on Flagpole Magazine

TreatmentHelp Drug Rehab Website Goes Live

TreatmentHelp Drug Rehab Website Goes Live
[rewrite]Private Treatment Centers LLC launches their new website TreatmentHelp which is a drug rehabilitation treatment website that has a comprehensive database of information and treatment options. Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on Google+ …[/rewrite]
Read more on PR Web (press release)

Millennium Treatment Group Offers Great Treatment Option for Recent Increase
[rewrite]Opiate addiction is on the rise in the Tampa area. Millennium Treatment Group has seen a recent increase in the number of patients needing treatment. Because of this, Millennium Treatment Group is offering a great addiction treatment option for those …[/rewrite]

Treatment Plan Mental Healt and Drug Abuse

treatment plan mental healt and drug abuse — Goes through treatment plan how an individuals treatment plan is formed Goals and interventions.

More Substance Abuse Treatment Information…

Arpaio’s Drug Rehab Program

Arpaio’s Drug Rehab Program

Study calls prisons, jails America's 'new asylums'
[rewrite]While all mentally ill inmates get help during incarceration, jails are "not where they should be getting treatment," said Jeremy Christensen, adult program administrator at the Utah Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health. "It would be hard to …[/rewrite]
Read more on Deseret News

Guest Voice of Andy Hoover: Prescription drug bill has dangerous side effects
[rewrite]The Pennsylvania Senate is currently considering a bill that would give you as much privacy in your medication records as an inmate has in prison. … The bill would create a vast new database program that would collect and store the prescription …[/rewrite]