treatment methods

Roughly What % of People Will Relapse Within a Year From an Inpatient Drug Rehab Program?

Question by Joe: Roughly what % of people will relapse within a year from an inpatient drug rehab program?

Best answer:

Answer by raysny
12step rehabs have a slightly higher success rate than “free” AA, and they have about a 5% success rate at the end of one year, the same as quitting on your own.

Here’s a list of alcohol treatment methods, rated by effectiveness:
Note: twelve-step facilitation (rehabs) is # 37; AA is # 38.


Alcohol Addiction, Trauma Treatment Recovery & Rehabilitation | Breathe Life Healing Centers

Alcohol Addiction, Trauma Treatment Recovery & Rehabilitation | Breathe Life Healing Centers — Breathe Life Healing Centers provides effective alcohol addiction and trauma treatment. Our trauma rehab utilizes the latest available methods in our treatme…

Rob Ford's lawyer says alcohol treatment 'never hurt anybody'
[rewrite]Rob Ford's close adviser says the Toronto mayor could benefit from an alcohol treatment program after his recent eyebrow-raising appearance at a restaurant with an accused drug dealer. Dennis Morris, the mayor's long-time lawyer and friend, said he …[/rewrite]
Read more on The Globe and Mail

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Heroin Addicts ' Told to Leave Hospital'

Heroin addicts ' told to leave hospital'
[rewrite]Kimberley – The Northern Cape Department of Health's commitment to assisting drug-addicts with rehabilitation has come under fire after two heroin users were told to leave Kimberley Hospital, shortly after admitting themselves in an attempt to come …[/rewrite]
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Oh No! Tori Spelling's Hubby Enters Rehab For Sex Addiction
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Flanagan to Chair New Drugaddiction Panel

Flanagan to chair new drugaddiction panel
[rewrite]BOSTON — The Senate on Thursday formed its own special committee to be chaired by Leominster Sen. Jennifer Flanagan that will study drug addiction and treatment options to address what Senate President Therese Murray described as an epidemic of …[/rewrite]
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Spectrum gets 5-year grant to research youth addiction treatment methods
[rewrite]A Burlington drug addiction treatment center this week announced it will begin studying better ways to treat youth struggling with substance abuse, including opiate addiction, thanks to a five-year grant from the National Institutes of Health. Spectrum …[/rewrite]

Ibogaine Treatment Centers, the Holistic Sanctuary Cures Addiction, Johnny the Healer, Pouyan Method

Ibogaine Treatment Centers, The Holistic Sanctuary Cures Addiction, Johnny The Healer, Pouyan Method — Ibogaine treatment centers, The Holistic Sanctuary is the worlds first addiction cure center that uses only holistic natural and powerful therapies to cure a…

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I Want to Find More Info About Substance Abuse Treatment in Mahwah, New Jersey. Help?

Question by annie lk: I want to find more info about substance abuse treatment in Mahwah, New Jersey. Help?
[rewrite]I’m not just looking for information regarding alcohol and drug abuse, but also prescription drug abuse as well. Any ideas on where and how I can get info?

Best answer:

Answer by brittani LS
Maybe your local health services department can give you info. I also think it would be good if you go to various rehabs to ask them about their treatment methods, medications used, etc. To find rehabs, just use the links below. You can also call a helpline such as 800-559-9503. They’ll be able to help you in your search, as well as answer your questions regarding substance abuse.