How Will I Get to Find Drug Rehabs in Post, Texas?
Question by aja 3xs: How will I get to find drug rehabs in Post, Texas?
My dad left us with nary a goodbye. We just woke up one day and he was gone, along with a lot of his belongings. I know my parents fight, but I didn’t know that it was that bad. Since then, my mom has taken to smoking heroin. I really want to help her by getting herself treated. I already talked to her and she already agreed. How will I find drug rehabs for her?
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I Need to Know How to Find Drug Rehabs in Valencia, California. Help?
Question by breeanna f: I need to know how to find drug rehabs in Valencia, California. Help?
We’re given a task in one of our classes wherein we were going to observe and take note of the workings in the insides of an organization. Drug rehab was the topic assigned to me. I need to get more information about treatment methods and how they c0nduct meetings and counseling… I need to know as many drug rehabs in Valencia, California as I can. Help?
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What Are the Steps to Becoming a Psychologist in Drug Rehabilitation?
Question by chelsie j: What are the steps to becoming a psychologist in drug rehabilitation?
im a junior in high school and was thinking about looking into psychology in college. and i realize that i would be more interested in working in a rehab center and i was wondering where i would start? like what to take in college besides psychology and so on
Best answer:
Answer by raysny
Most of the people who work at rehabs have had substance abuse issues of the own. You won’t see many psychologists working at rehabs, you will find psychiatrists because they can write prescriptions, psychologists can’t.
What Are Some Careers in Drug Rehabilitation?
Question by : What are some careers in drug rehabilitation?
I’m interested in a career in a drug rehab center, what are some positions?
I know that most people in the field have had substance abuse problems, and while I personally haven’t my dad, his parents, and great-grandfather are all severe alcoholics.
Best answer:
Answer by raysny
Someone else asked the same question recently:
Over 90% of rehab centers in the US are 12step based, AA/NA. Most of the rest are Narconon, a Scientology based program, or heavily religious. Courts, government agencies, and employee assistance programs mandate 12step rehabs.