war on drugs

Definition of DRUG ABUSE and Causes?

Question by : definition of DRUG ABUSE and causes?
characteristics and definition of drug abuse

Best answer:

Answer by ??t???t????? [???] ????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????
Check ’em here… http://www.abovetheinfluence.com/facts/drugspresciptionotc/?utm_campaign=paid-search&utm_source=google&utm_medium=search&utm_content=rx&gclid=COCOiI_-grICFQYQNAodnAMAgw

Good luck!

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In Need of a Inpatient/outpatient Drug Treatment Program in West Virginia.?

Question by lil mama: In need of a inpatient/outpatient drug treatment program in West Virginia.?
My friend has been on and off drugs for yrs., finally he has asked for help, and I’d like to do what I can for him. The tricky part is… he is currently incarcerated, due to get out May 18th, he’d like to go straight to a treatment facility and not back out on the streets. However all the places I have called so far say that he needs to be refered to a 28 day facility, the have that facility refer him to a 90 day. There are only 3 28 day facilities in W.V. and they all have a 6-8 week waiting list. To top it off they prob. wont tk. him because he wont have any drugs in his system. The only other option is to try and find a outpatient facility and if they feel he needs it, they can try to refer him to inpatient. There are 2 outpatient facilites in the area and they want to prescribe other drugs to suppress the cravings………..I’ve discussed this with him and this would be a last option, he has no drugs in his system now and the goal is to keep it that way. Please if anyone has any other suggestions, options, or has been threw this before , I’d like to hear it…..Please no smarta** comments though, unless you’ve been there don’t judge.

Report: Co-Owner of Drugabuse Treatment Center Faces Drug Charge

Report: Co-owner of drugabuse treatment center faces drug charge

Filed under: drug abuse treatment centers

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. — The co-owner of a nonprofit substance abuse and mental health treatment center in Winston-Salem faces a felony drug charge related to the distribution of heroin, according to the Winston-Salem Journal. The paper, citing an arrest …
Read more on My Fox 8


TRICARE substance abuse treatment falls short, experts say

Filed under: drug abuse treatment centers

I Need Help Getting My Life Together.?

Question by Chris S: I need help getting my life together.?
Im 19 years old. I was raised by my parents till i was twelve. They where on oxycotin spent everything we had on the drugs. Then i moved out due to my dads paranoid schizophrenia. We lived in a small town in west va and he thought everyone was out to get him. But now i live in Petersburg Virginia and i have a job at Pizza hut that i hate, making 6.55 an hour.
Im addicted to oxycodone just as my parents where. Im so ashamed of myself. I have to pay my bills myself on top of my drug habit i have nothing to show for my money. I have no education i quite school to move away from my dad. I dont think my life will mount to anything. I have no one.. literally no one that cares about me. Therefor i have no one to help me.
I just need advice on how to get my life together. Maybe i should look for a wife who can help me or something.. i dont know im just lost and alone. I need to get my life together before my addiction gets out of hand. I can handle the addiction i basically need a way to get an education, take care of myself while im in school, and just someone who cares about me…

Did You Know the Partnership for a Drug Free America Was Funded by Alcohol and Tobacco Companies?

Question by JD2010: Did you know the Partnership for a Drug free America was funded by alcohol and tobacco companies?
“PDFA was the subject of criticism when it was revealed by CyCot ts Cotts of the Village Voice that their federal tax returns showed that they had received several million dollars worth of funding from major pharmaceutical, tobacco and alcohol corporations including American Brands (Jim Beam whiskey), Philip Morris (Marlboro and Virginia Slims cigarettes, Miller bTannhauserheuser Busch (Budweiser, Michelob, Busch beer), R.J. Reynolds (Camel, Salem, Winston cigarettes), as well as pharmaceutical firms Bristol Meyers-Squibb, Merck & Company and Proctor & Gamble; an issue which has been linked to the organization’s lack of media discouraging the misuse of legal drugs. From 1997 it has discontinued any fiscal association with tobacco and alcohol suppliers, although it still is in receipt of donations from pharmaceutical producers[2].

How Come the Government Doesn’t Do Something About the Pill Problem in West Virginia?

Question by R j: how come the government doesn’t do something about the pill problem in west virginia?
how many people have to die from prescription drug abuse before it stops how many more kids have to suffer because there parents abuse these drugs and the most of them are getting government assistance tax payers money that is supporting there habit while the kids suffer

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