A New Approach to the War on Drugs
A new approach to the war on drugs
[rewrite]Joining representatives from police and the courts were providers of mental and physical health care, social services, rehabilitation and recovery treatment, housing and other human services. These are the people on the front lines of the addiction …[/rewrite]
Read more on Seacoastonline.com
IG: Vet overdosed while in VA rehab center
[rewrite]A veteran of the war in Afghanistan died of a heroin and cocaine overdose last year while receiving treatment at a Miami Veterans Affairs residential treatment facility, according to a VA inspector general report released Friday. The veteran, who was …[/rewrite]
Read more on ArmyTimes.com
Drug Epidemic Focus of Panel
Drug epidemic focus of panel
[rewrite]Tom L'Esperance, Vermont State Police commander; David Orrick, who has been teaching a course at Norwich on drug abuse and crime since 1979; and Max Schlueter, who is director of the Vermont Center for Justice Research and who analyzes statewide …[/rewrite]
Read more on Barre Montpelier Times Argus
Studies find new drugs greatly lower cholesterol
[rewrite]WASHINGTON (AP) — A new group of experimental medicines can dramatically lower cholesterol, raising hopes of a fresh option for people who can't tolerate or don't get enough help from Lipitor and other statin drugs that have been used for this for …[/rewrite]
Read more on Imperial Valley Press
Researh Paper Help! Has Anyone Had ANY Experience With Drug Abuse? Either Personal Experience or Family?
Question by Haylie M: Researh paper help! Has anyone had ANY experience with drug abuse? either personal experience or family?
[rewrite]I’d love to know you’re opinion on whether drug laws are doing anything to prevent drug abuse, etc.
Best answer:
Answer by melkaylo
I don’t think we have hit the right track yet to slow down drugs. I think they are still entering the USA at an alarming rate. I lost my son to a heroin overdose because it was too pure. Plus I’m sure he took too much. He was only 21 and yes he was stupid, but I don’t think he deserved to die for it. I wish there was something that could be done to remove it and its influence.
Soldier Confessed to Killing Pregnant Wife, His Friend Says
Soldier Confessed To Killing Pregnant Wife, His Friend Says
[rewrite]Friends of the Army couple testified Wednesday about constant fighting in their marriage over Aguigui's drug use and infidelities by both husband and wife. Deirdre … Her body was found in the cemetery her husband worked as a gravedigger in Virginia.[/rewrite]
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The Criminality of Blackness
[rewrite]The "War on Drugs" in the '80s turned previously non-criminal offenses into felonies. Racial bias skewed arrest and sentencing rates for the same offenses. African Americans make up 13 percent of the U.S. population and use drugs at the same rates as …[/rewrite]
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Addiction & Families – Heather & Travis
Addiction & Families – Heather & Travis — http://recoverynowtv.com/watch/episode-9 http://www.facebook.com/RecoveryNowTV In this episode Heather, a beautiful, soft-spoken young woman, shares how drug…
Enumclaw Narcotics Anonymous group aims to help those fighting addiction
[rewrite]Narcotics Anonymous offers recovery from the effects of addiction through a 12-step program, including regular attendance at group meetings. The group atmosphere provides help from peers and offers an ongoing support network for addicts who wish to …[/rewrite]
Read more on Enumclaw Courier-Herald
Discipline With Dignity: Oakland Schools Try Talk Circles
Discipline with dignity: Oakland schools try talk circles
[rewrite]His mom, who had been successfully doing drug rehabilitation, had relapsed. She'd been out for three days. The 14-year-old was going home every night to a motherless household and two younger siblings. He had been holding it together as best he could, …[/rewrite]
Read more on Christian Science Monitor
OCU hosts war on drugs conference
[rewrite]Ohio Christian University will host the “Saving Lives: Educating the Community to Battle Rural Drug Usage” conference April 4-5 in the Maxwell Center located on the Circleville campus. The University's Government & Public Service program and Psychology …[/rewrite]
Read more on Circleville Herald